PEEK 9106 GF30 Wellman

PEEK 9106 GF30 Wellman


17年专注工程塑料 生产,销售,技术一条龙服务广泛应用于电子,电器,通讯设备,汽车制造,航空航天,玩具,生活日用品等行业 不仅仅只是一次买卖——万物皆以延续而存在 网址:www shermancn com (公司内部物性查询正在建...

  • 价格: 800
  • 物品单位: 千克
  • 品牌: Wellman
  • 货号: 面议


品牌 Wellman
货号 面议
用途 座椅配件、齿轮
牌号 PEEK 9106 GF30
型号 PEEK 9106 GF30
外形尺寸 25kg/盒
生产企业 Wellman

网址:www shermancn com (公司内部物性查询正在建立中... 敬请期待)


耐疲劳性:在所有树脂中具有 的耐疲劳性。
耐辐照性:耐高辐照的能力很强,超过了通用树脂中耐辐照性 的聚苯乙烯。可以作成γ辐照剂量达1100Mrad时仍能保持良好的绝缘能力的高性能 。
发烟性:在塑料中PEEK具有 发烟性。
毒气逸散性:PEEK与很多有机材料相同,在高温分解时,PEEK主要产生二氧化碳和一氧化碳,使用英国航行器测试标准BSS 7239可以检测到极低浓度的毒气逸散,这种检测过程需要在1立方米的空间内完全燃烧100克样品,然后分析其中所产生的毒气,毒性指数定义为在正常情况下产生的毒气浓度综合与30分钟可以使人致命的剂量之比,PEEK450G的指数为0.22,且没有检测到酸性气体。

由于聚醚醚酮PEEK具有优良的综合性能,在许多特殊领域可以替代金属、陶瓷等传统材料。该塑料的耐高温、自润滑、耐磨损和抗疲劳等特性,使之成为当今 的高性能工程塑料之一,它主要应用于航空航天、汽车工业、电子电气和医疗器械等领域。

Polyether ether ketone (PEEK) is a colourless organic thermoplastic polymer in the polyaryletherketone (PAEK) family, used in engineering applications. The polymer was first developed in November 1978, later being introduced to the market by Victrex PLC, then Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in the early 1980s.

PEEK is a semicrystalline thermoplastic with excellent mechanical and chemical resistance properties that are retained to high temperatures. The processing conditions used to mould PEEK can influence the crystallinity and hence the mechanical properties. Its Young's modulus is 3.6 GPa and its tensile strength is 90 to 100 MPa.PEEK has a glass transition temperature of around 143 °C (289 °F) and melts around 343 °C (662 °F). Some grades have a useful operating temperature of up to 250 °C (482 °F).The thermal conductivity increases nearly linearly with temperature between room temperature and solidus temperature.It is highly resistant to thermal degradation, as well as to attack by both organic and aqueous environments. It is attacked by halogens and strong Br?nsted and Lewis acids, as well as some halogenated compounds and aliphatic hydrocarbons at high temperatures. It is soluble in concentrated sulfuric acid at room temperature, although dissolution can take a very long time unless the polymer is in a form with a high surface-area-to-volume ratio, such as a fine powder or thin film. It has high resistance to biodegradation.

PEEK is used to fabricate items for demanding applications, including bearings, piston parts, pumps, high-performance liquid chromatography columns, compressor plate valves, and electrical cable insulation. It is one of the few plastics compatible with ultra-high vacuum applications, which makes it suitable for aerospace, automotive, and chemical industries.PEEK is used in medical implants, e.g., use with a high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), for creating a partial replacement skull in neurosurgical applications.

PEEK is used in spinal fusion devices and reinforcing rods. It is radiolucent, but it is hydrophobic causing it to not fully fuse with bone.PEEK seals and manifolds are commonly used in fluid applications. PEEK also performs well in high temperature applications (up to 500 °F/260 °C).[12] Because of this and its low thermal conductivity, it is also used in FFF printing to thermally separate the hot end from the cold end.

Processing options
PEEK melts at a relatively high temperature (343 °C / 649.4 °F) compared to most other thermoplastics. In the range of its melting temperature it can be processed using injection moulding or extrusion methods. It is technically feasible to process granular PEEK into filament form and 51D printing parts from the filament material using fused deposition modeling – FDM (or fused filament fabrication – FFF) technology. PEEK filaments have been demonstrated for producing medical devices up to class IIa. With this new filament, it is possible to use the FFF method for different medical applications like dentures.

In its solid state PEEK is readily machinable, for example, by (CNC) milling machines and is commonly used to produce high-quality plastic parts that are thermostable and both electrically and thermally insulating. Filled grades of PEEK can also be CNC machined, but special care must be taken to properly manage stresses in the material.

PEEK is a high-performance polymer, but its high price, due to its complex production process, restricts its use to only the most demanding applications.

Shape-memory PEEK in biomechanical applications
PEEK is not traditionally a shape-memory polymer; however, recent advances in processing have allowed shape-memory behaviour in PEEK with mechanical activation. This technology has expanded to applications in orthopedic surgery.