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SD-300-50A Ravago TPE ENSOFT SD-300-50A
  • 品牌:Ravago
  • 价格: ¥36.88/千克
  • 发布日期: 2023-10-19
  • 更新日期: 2024-10-21
品牌 Ravago
牌号 SD-300-50A
型号 ENSOFT SD-300-50A
品名 TPE
外形尺寸 25kg/包
生产企业 Ravago
二十一世纪初传承至今 专注塑料行业
网址:www shermancn com (公司内部物性查询正在建立中... 敬请期待)

热塑性弹性体,简称TPE或TPR,是Thermoplastic rubber的缩写。是常温下具有橡胶的弹性,高温下具有可塑化成型的一类弹性体。热塑性弹性体的结构特点是由化学键组成不同的树脂段和橡胶段,树脂段凭借链间作用力形成物理交联点,橡胶段是高弹性链段,贡献弹性。塑料段的物理交联随温度的变化而呈可逆变化,显示了热塑性弹性体的塑料加工特性。因此,热塑性弹性体具有硫化橡胶的物理机械性能和热塑性塑料的工艺加工性能,是介于橡胶与树脂之间的一种新型高分子材料,常被人们称为第三代橡胶。

自从1958 年Bayer公司首次制备出热塑性聚氨酯( TPU) 以来,TPE就得到了迅速发展,尤其是1963年苯乙烯类热塑性弹性体问世以后,关于热塑性弹性体的制备理论逐步得到完善,应用领域进一步扩大。




热塑性弹性体可概括为通用TPE和工程TPE两个类型,目前己发展到l0大类30多个品种。从1938年德国Bayer最早发现聚氨酯类TPE,1963年和1965年美国Phillips和Shell,开发出苯乙烯—丁二烯—苯乙烯嵌段聚合物TPE,到70年代美欧日各国开始批量生产烯烃类TPE以来,技术不断创新,新的TPE品种不断涌现,构成了当今TPE的庞大体系,使橡胶工业与塑料工业结合联姻大大向前迈进了一步。 世界上已工业化生产的TPE有:苯乙烯类(SBS、SIS、SEBS、SEPS)、烯烃类(TP0、TPV)、双烯类(TPB、TPI)、氯乙烯类(TPVC、TCPE)、氨酯类(TPU)、酯类(TPEE)、酰胺类(TPAE)、有机氟类(TPF)、有机硅类和乙烯类等,几乎涵盖了现在合成橡胶与合成树脂的所有领域。

Ravago is a Belgian plastic producing company with its headquarters located in Luxembourg. The company is active in polymer and chemical distribution, building materials, recycling and compounding of plastic and elastomeric raw materials. Theodoros Roussis is the chief executive officer of the company.

In the United States, Ravago has six main subsidiary companies: Amco, Channel Prime Alliance, Entec, Muehlstein, Ravago Chemicals North America (RCNA) and Ravago Manufacturing Americas. Ravago has plastic compounding facilities in the United States located in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, and Texas.

On 25 April 1961, the company was founded by Raf Van Gorp and in 1965 he bought the premises of his former employer, a dynamite company (PRB: Poudre Reunion d'Arendonk, Belgique) in Arendonk.

Today, the Ravago group represents over 6,600,000 metric tons of annual polymer sales serving more than 50,000 active customers through 325+ locations across more than 55+ countries worldwide. Ravago’s production competence consists of 45+ manufacturing facilities of which 19 recycling and compounding plants in North America, Europe, Asia and Africa with a combined annual capacity of over 775,000 metric tons; 13 production plants in Europe that are offering finished products for the building sector and 7 plants and 92 application laboratories for the Chemicals business.